
It's going down at . . . "A strike is an economic stoppage. A strike does not plead. It does not demand. It simply does. A global climate strike stops the economic and political systems responsible for the climate crisis."

The Next System Project

The Next System Project is an ambitious multi-year initiative aimed at thinking boldly about what is required to deal with the systemic challenges the United States faces now and in coming decades. Responding to real hunger for a new way forward, and building on innovative thinking and practical experience with new economic institutions and approaches being developed in communities across the country and around the world, the goal is to put the central idea of system change, and that there can be a “next system,” on the map.

Media Revolt

MediaRevolt was born from the idea that big corporations should not have control or monopoly over information. Conversations with content creators, journalists, pundits, artists and activists about social media, corporate media and media in a functioning democracy shaped the building of our platform. We hope it is one that can be used to amplify independent voices.

American Promise

American Promise leads the cross-partisan, fifty-state campaign for the 28th Amendment so that people, not money, govern America. The 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution replaces the Supreme Court’s doctrine of political inequality and systemic corruption, reflected in decisions such as Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, with foundational American principles of equal citizenship and representation and safeguards against concentrated power.

Human Agenda

The mission of Human Agenda is to envision a world where the human needs of all can be met, engage the community in forging local institutions that are democratic, cooperative, egalitarian, sustainable, and kind, and take individual responsibility to embody the change we’d like to see. 

Left Elect


From impending climate catastrophe to the renewed assault on working class living standards, we don’t have time to waste on the status quo, lesser evils, and token reforms.

The richest 1% may own the two major parties, but the past year has seen an uptick in left electoral activity. From Kshama Sawant’s election as an open socialist on the Seattle City Council to the numerous other socialist and independent left campaigns in Chicago, New York, and elsewhere throughout Fall 2014 and Spring 2015, interest in a working class alternative is growing.

Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy (POCLAD)

POCLAD is a group of 11 people instigating democratic conversations and actions that contest the authority of corporations to govern. Our analysis evolves through historical and legal research, writing, public speaking, and working with organizations to develop new strategies that assert people's rights over property interests.

Runaway Inequality

Runaway Inequality: An Activist’s Guide to Economic Justice


Les Leopold, the director of the Labor Institute in New York, is working with unions, worker centers and community organization to build a national economics educational campaign. All proceeds from the sale of this book go to support this educational campaign.

Click here to buy Runaway Inequality paperback or Kindle editions from Amazon.

The Labor Institute

Founded in 1976 by David Gordon and Les Leopold with assistance from Tony Mazzocchi. The Labor Institute provides labor unions and community groups with education on health and safety, the environment and the economy. Our goal is to empower working people with information on how best to create a more healthful and just economy.