
It's going down at . . . "A strike is an economic stoppage. A strike does not plead. It does not demand. It simply does. A global climate strike stops the economic and political systems responsible for the climate crisis."

The Global Climate Strike: Why We Can’t Wait

Background: In 2014, this call to action, "The Global Climate Strike: Why We Can't Wait," launched the first campaign for global climate strikes. The call was written by Ben Manski and Jill Stein for the People's Climate Convergence in New York City, a part of the People's Climate March, and brought by delegates to meetings of the World Social Forum, the Global Greens, and to the COP21 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris. The Global Climate Convergence coordinated webinars and Earth Day to May Day coordinated actions to popularize the idea of the global climate strike. From 2015-2018, the two most active climate strike efforts were those in Australia, organized by Australian youth, and those led by poor people's movements in the United States.

Liberty Tree

The Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution is a nonprofit organization rooted in the belief that the American Revolution is a living tradition whose greatest promise is democracy. In order to help achieve that promise, Liberty Tree works to create a society in which communities and individuals have the desire, skills, and capacity to participate in the vital decisions that affect their lives.

10,000 for Democracy

Celebrating 10 years of “building a democracy movement for the U.S.A.,” some of the U.S.A.’s leading activists and intellectuals launched 10,000 for Democracy, a campaign to enlist 10,000 people as Liberty Tree members in the cause of building, “an unstoppable movement for deep systemic democratic change.” 

10 years of research, organizing, and action

The Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution incorporated in the summer of 2004 and went public in 2005 with the launch of its first website and quarterly journal. The following timeline gives highlights of some of the major developments and accomplishments of Liberty Tree in its work to “build a democracy movement for the U.S.A..”

Our Values

At Liberty Tree, our work is guided by the following values:

Our Mission

Liberty Tree is uniquely committed to building a democracy movement for the U.S.A.. We provide vital support to grassroots campaigns for democratic reform in many areas of American life, and bring those campaigns together to form a united movement for democracy.

Our Vision

The Liberty Tree Foundation for the Democratic Revolution is a nonprofit organization rooted in the belief that the American Revolution is a living tradition whose greatest promise is democracy.

The Liberty Tree Emerges

Liberty Tree launched its first website at LibertyTreeFDR. org on January 1st, featuring news, publications, and event listings and organized around various the different areas (e.g. economic democracy, media democracy, local democracy, etc) in which pro-democracy work was happening in the United States. Later on, Liberty Tree moved its primary web url to